Thursday 24 November 2011

Pearl Drops Daily - Review

Now its acceptable for men to 'look after themselves', many of you will follow some sort of beauty routine. Yet with all the time, effort and money put into skincare, how many of us pay the same rigorous attention to the beauty of our teeth? Not enough is my guess...

Luckily, Church & Dwight UK, makers of Pearl Drops, have formulated and re-designed their range of teeth whitening products to allow men and women of all ages to make oral care a key part of their daily routine.

A bit of extra effort and attention can boost the beauty of our teeth, just like a good moisturiser. A naturally white, healthy smile is not only one of our most natural, outstanding beauty features, but also makes us feel good.

Brushing with Pearl Drops can help restore your teeth to their natural whiteness, and give you a real good reason to smile this winter.

The Modern Man tested Pearl Drops Daily Pro-White, which are specifically developed for everyday use to clean and gently whiten your teeth. The verdict?

Pearl Drops Daily/Pro-White - 7/10

Effectiveness: I won't lie, I never quite believe the products that promise so much. They usually provide so little, and well, don't really deliver.

When using Pearl Drops Daily, I can't say I noticed any stains being stripped away. Yet I'm only 20, so thankfully don't have any to get rid of yet! However, I did notice an added shine to my teeth, and it really did leave me more confident when smiling! It was no dramatic change, however I definitely could tell a slight difference after using it for several weeks.

Cleanliness: I used the toothpaste like any other. Twice a day, once in the morning, and again at night. I got the same feel as I would from a normal toothpaste, so by no means does it neglect the cleaning of your teeth.

Overall: If your looking for a toothpaste which cleans, as well as adding an extra shine to your teeth, then Pearl Drops Daily Pro-White is for you. Don't expect immediate results, it doesn't happen over night. And don't think you'll end up with a Hollywood Smile (although Pearl Drops do offer this, I'll save that for another post).

1 comment:

  1. I think strips is the best option if you want to whiten your teeth. The best one I have tried is Stella white strips ;)


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